Our grandchildren, each with his/her own unique personality and spirit, are our greatest joy! Abby, Serenity, Robbie and Alex are the children of Joe and Sierra, and Matt and Shelly are the parents of Dane. Thanks, guys, for bringing these five fabulous little people into our family! They fill our hearts to overflowing with wonder and love. Youngest to oldest, they are:
Abigail Rose, born December 6, 2007
Dane Matthew, born March 18, 2007
Serenity Clare, born July 15, 2004
Robert James, born July 12, 2002
Alexander Dean, born May 20, 1999
Life Is One Adventure After Another!
I started this blog page as a way to keep everyone up to date on Bob while he was working over in Egypt, and to share our wonderful travel experiences. Now that he's back home, I'll still post family updates once in awhile, as well as items of potential interest from the Decatur front... Life's little adventures continue... ;-)