Visit to Minnesota

June 10-14 I flew to Minnesota to stay with Shelly & Matt and help out a little with Dane and Baby Erik. In the photo below, Dane gets to hold his baby brother for the first time.

After making nice, he managed to get in a sneaky elbow to the head move!

This was bath time for Little E. Matt doesn't like him much, does he?

Shelly and I took D and E for a walk around the neighborhood and Dane made friends with this little dog on the way. We had a hard time getting him to resume the walk!

Dane's at the age where he examines every twig, rock and bug along the route. He found a prize this day, a green plastic BB!

Here's Nana with her two youngest grandsons.

Shelly and her two boys.

Erik was getting some tummy time on Nana. Notice in the second photo how he's already starting to do push-ups!

Naturally Matt had to do a photo shoot! Shelly is the assistant holding up the backdrop.

As long as E was being cooperative and the light was good, I took a few myself!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I love all of these and will likely steal (er, borrow) some for his baby book!!! Thanks for posting them! Miss you tons...

Life Is One Adventure After Another!

I started this blog page as a way to keep everyone up to date on Bob while he was working over in Egypt, and to share our wonderful travel experiences. Now that he's back home, I'll still post family updates once in awhile, as well as items of potential interest from the Decatur front... Life's little adventures continue... ;-)
