The Pyramids

On my second full day in Egypt, we saw the Pyramids at Sakkarah and Giza. We were escorted by Ashraf Mobariz, the MFO Liaison Officer in Egypt. Ashraf is an expert in pharoahnic history and archeology, and it was a great pleasure to see these phenominal sites with someone who has so much knowledge to share. Thank you, Ashraf!

With Ashraf at Sakkarah, at the site of Zosier's Pyramids, the early pyramids of Egypt, also known as the Step Pyramids.

An ancient statue of Pharoah Zosier himself inside his temple. You have to look through a hole in the stone to see the statue.

The archeological digs surrounding the site of Zosier's pyramids.

Bob with Ashraf at the geological dividing line between the fertile Nile Valley and the desert where the Step Pyramids are constructed. It's amazing. Behind them are palm trees, lush farmlands and tropical gardens. Where I was standing is barren desert!

The following photos were all taken at the site of the Great Pyramids and Sphinx at Giza. I think they're pretty self-explanatory!

The "tourist police" on camels at Giza!

Bob and me holding the New Carlisle News (something we did for Grandma, and it DID appear in the New Carlisle paper), with a panorama of the Pyramids in the background.

Inside the Temple at the Sphinx

Until seeing them in person, one has no idea how awesome these sites really are. They are gargantuan in size, ancient, and you simply have to see them... pictures just don't do it!


Shelly said...

Great pictures! I love the one where you're holding the New Carlisle News. It's so cool of you to do that for Grandma!! Can't wait to see you in January!

Wendyhooten said...

"Listen, do you smell something?"
Re: The pharoh pic!

Life Is One Adventure After Another!

I started this blog page as a way to keep everyone up to date on Bob while he was working over in Egypt, and to share our wonderful travel experiences. Now that he's back home, I'll still post family updates once in awhile, as well as items of potential interest from the Decatur front... Life's little adventures continue... ;-)
