When I was up visiting Shelly, Matt & the boys in early June, Dane wanted to show me how high he can go on his swing. This makes Shelly crazy with worry, but she deals with resigned acceptance since all the Z's are apparently born with a predisposition to extreme sports! Note, Dane is swinging with one of his CD's in hand! Matt's passing and Uncle Todd is receiving.
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Pepper's Plight
Home Front

Visit to Minnesota

This was bath time for Little E. Matt doesn't like him much, does he?

Dane Driving... Well... not really!
Dane is obsessed with his CD collection. Matt & Shelly make copies for him to cart around and play in his portable player, and he can only "touch" the originals in the holder in the car. The kid knows which one is which, and is very particular about where they belong. He asks to drive the car, but what he really wants to do is touch the CD's... I would purposely say the name of a CD wrong, just to have him correct me, so cute. Dane's word for "yes" is "Okay," said with varied inflections depending on how strongly he feels about the issue. Note the CD in his left hand - one of his, and he carries one or five around with him at all times! Such a personality!
When Joe & Sierra brought the kids down for Memorial Day weekend, Abby became enamored with the slide (we bought it when Alex was a baby... probably the best kid-toy investment we've made). She can do it all by herself (with everyone poised to leap at the slightest wobble) and wants to make sure EVERYONE is watching. Are you watching? (Particularly around 1:20 - wait for it)!
Bubbles, Puppies & Little Girls
I'm not sure who had more fun in the back yard while Joe and Robbie fished, Serenity making the bubbles or Abby & Pepp-ah (or sometimes Bep-pah... bubbles are Bub-oh) chasing them! And Abby continues to announce to the entire neighborhood that she is going to SLIIIIIIDE!
Roma, Bella Roma
The walkway leading to our room.
We were just a few blocks up the hill from the U.N. Building in the Aventino district. The MFO offices are also just down the block from here.
Outside the walls of Palatino Hill (the Emperor's Palace).
In front of Circus Maximus, with Palatino Hill in the background. This is just a few blocks from our hotel.
On the terrace of our room.
At the Roman Forum.
A statue at the Capitol.
HBH taking a rest at the Coliseum.
Inside perimeter of the Coliseum.
I forget what this fort is called, but it's just outside the gates of the Vatican.
At a sidewalk cafe' down the street from the Vatican.
One of the Vatican Guards. "Distance, please," was all they said to the tourists! Hard to believe guys dressed like this are really elite special forces!
The Spanish Steps from about a block away.
Interesting shot outside a flower shop in Il Centro.
Following are a few shots taken on the beautiful Isle of Capri... where homes cost 50,000 Euros a square meter! Yikes!
Picture of a rainbow taken from the terrace outside our room.
Life Is One Adventure After Another!