Roma, Bella Roma

Finally, I'm getting around to updating the blog! Below are a select few of the photos from our late April/early May trip to Rome, which was beyond wonderful! Since you can see ALL of the pictures on my Facebook page, I've just put a sampling here...
The view from our first room at the hotel.
The statue standing in the courtyard outside our "permanant" room. The hotel was called the Hotel San Pio, and this is him!

The walkway leading to our room.

We were just a few blocks up the hill from the U.N. Building in the Aventino district. The MFO offices are also just down the block from here.

Outside the walls of Palatino Hill (the Emperor's Palace).

In front of Circus Maximus, with Palatino Hill in the background. This is just a few blocks from our hotel.
Bob and me in front of the Coliseum, right before we started our tour.

On the terrace of our room.

At the Roman Forum.

A statue at the Capitol.
Overlooking an island on the Tiber that we were going to explore.
Street outside the Vatican Entrance we used!
Lemons growing in the courtyard outside our room.

HBH taking a rest at the Coliseum.

Inside perimeter of the Coliseum.
Coliseum Arena

I forget what this fort is called, but it's just outside the gates of the Vatican.

Just me hanging out on the Via Vaticana.

At a sidewalk cafe' down the street from the Vatican

One of the Vatican Guards. "Distance, please," was all they said to the tourists! Hard to believe guys dressed like this are really elite special forces!

Did I take an illegal photo of the Sistine Chapel ceiling? You betcha!

The Spanish Steps from about a block away.

Interesting shot outside a flower shop in Il Centro.

Where's Waldo on the Spanish Steps? Or in this case, Where's Nana? You win a piece of candy if you can find her!

Street scene on the day we were wandering...
Fontana de Trevi, and yes, we threw coins in!

Following are a few shots taken on the beautiful Isle of Capri... where homes cost 50,000 Euros a square meter! Yikes!

Picture of a rainbow taken from the terrace outside our room.
Our last day, we found this wonderful "gastronomia," E. Volpetti & Sons. We sampled some of the best cheeses, meats & wines I've ever tasted, then bought way too much for a picnic lunch in a park down the street. How I wish I could have brought some home... but U.S. Customs would have frowned upon that!

Smart Cars are everywhere in Italy. This one was at a rest area we stopped at near Montecassino, on the way back from Capri. It advertised a casino, Las Vegas at Montecassino.
The Limoncello store at Capri. They sell everything lemon here, all locally made, from cakes, candy and liqueurs to candy, pottery and home fragrances.
Arrivederci, Roma, et Salute'!

Darned Blogspot... not sure how I got these out of order, but here they are anyway...
Bob drinking from one of the several thousand still-working fresh-water fountains throughout Rome, that date back to the Empire. This one was in the Forum.

This was the little park where we had our Volpetti picnic.

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Life Is One Adventure After Another!

I started this blog page as a way to keep everyone up to date on Bob while he was working over in Egypt, and to share our wonderful travel experiences. Now that he's back home, I'll still post family updates once in awhile, as well as items of potential interest from the Decatur front... Life's little adventures continue... ;-)
