Elait, Israel - December 23-27

After spending a few days in Tel Aviv and taking a side trip to Jerusalem, we went to North Camp for a few days to do laundry and relax. Then we left on a road trip to Elait in southern Israel and Sharm el Sheikh in southern Egypt. In the photo below Bob is waiting with a couple of Fijian MP's for the escort vehicle that's supposed to accompany us to the Egypt-Israeli border.

There were sandstorms in the Sinai, and as you can see, our escort vehicle is nowhere to be seen. They literally left us in the dust!

On the outskirts of Taba, Egypt is this place called Pharoah's Island. It's actually some kind of fort that dates back to the Crusades.

Just before the border crossing from Taba, Egypt into Elait, Israel we encountered some stray camels wandering the streets!

The shots below are of the views from our hotel room in Elait, on the Red Sea.

Bob really liked this bungee swing and tried for days to get me to go on it. I wasn't interested!

Bob relaxing in our hotel room.

The obligatory camel, outside the Marine Park in Elait.

We visited the Marine Park in Elait. Behind me is the underwater observatory. We also took a glass-bottom boat ride along the coral reef.

The glass-bottom boat.

The Red Sea is absolutely clear and beautiful to look at. You can see, though, how barren the Sinai is, right up to the sea.

Inside the underwater observatory.


1 comment:

gbeach said...

This should be your picture for your profile on Facebook

Life Is One Adventure After Another!

I started this blog page as a way to keep everyone up to date on Bob while he was working over in Egypt, and to share our wonderful travel experiences. Now that he's back home, I'll still post family updates once in awhile, as well as items of potential interest from the Decatur front... Life's little adventures continue... ;-)
