Return Trip to North Camp on Bob's Birthday

We celebrated Bob's birthday by flying back to North Camp in the MFO CASA. This is a smaller prop cargo plane flown by the French Air Force. As you can see, we needed a cargo plane to get all our stuff back to North Camp!

Getting ready to go up the ramp and find a seat.
My honey and me on the plane.
The Sinai from the air... I wonder how deep that sand is between the peaks...
Several aerial shots of North Camp... an oasis in the desert, as it's the only green for miles around!

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Life Is One Adventure After Another!

I started this blog page as a way to keep everyone up to date on Bob while he was working over in Egypt, and to share our wonderful travel experiences. Now that he's back home, I'll still post family updates once in awhile, as well as items of potential interest from the Decatur front... Life's little adventures continue... ;-)
