Tel Aviv and Jaffa (Yafo) April 24-27

I flew to Israel this time for my spring trip to see Bob. He met me in Tel Aviv, and we spent several days there, visited Jerusalem and Bethlehem, drove through the desert to MFO North Camp in Sinai, Egypt, took a trip down to Sharm El Sheikh on the Red Sea, and then back to Tel Aviv for my return to the States. Israel is a beautiful, modern, clean and highly developed country. We thoroughly enjoyed our time in Tel Aviv, and I would love to go again.

This was the view from our hotel room on the Beach in Tel Aviv

We have just arrived at the bottom of the hill in Old Jaffa, ready to wander around the old city.

We found ourselves in a small park at one of the entrances to the old city.

Some interesting antiquities decorating the exterior of an apartment.

The old city is composed of dozens of narrow walkways, sloped ramps and stairways.

An Orthodox church. We peeked inside, where people were preparing the church for the Orthodox Easter celebration.

More nooks, crannies and alleyways.

And lo and behold, we stumbled upon this quaint shop where all the jewelry is hand made!

The old port

A local resident

Some fantastic views

The Colonel (Bob) with the General (Napoleon)

St. Peter's Catholic Church and Monastery. It is said that St. Peter actually visited this site and performed a miracle here.

One of my favorite shots from the top of the hill (That's Tel Aviv Beach in the background).

Restaurants literally ON the beach! What a great atmosphere! You're sitting at a table with your feet buried in the sand (at least mine were) with the Mediterranean literally yards away...

And of course, KFC and Mickey D's are easily accessible. We did NOT go there...

More early AM beach views

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Life Is One Adventure After Another!

I started this blog page as a way to keep everyone up to date on Bob while he was working over in Egypt, and to share our wonderful travel experiences. Now that he's back home, I'll still post family updates once in awhile, as well as items of potential interest from the Decatur front... Life's little adventures continue... ;-)
