Old Sharm - Lots of Local Color and Ambience

Sharm el Sheikh has become a resort city with many modern beach hotels and condos. However, like all cities in the Arab world, it has a charming old section where you'll find the souk, restaurants and older architecture. Naturally, being on the sea, fresh seafood is abundant in the restaurants. We found a great seafood place with tables out on the sidewalk, where we could watch the day's catch being unloaded and the ice being ground to keep it fresh for the night.

I have to say that my single most favorite thing to do on these trips (aside from being with my wonderful mate and just simply enjoying each other) isn't the sightseeing, but just sitting around in these cafe's or walking the streets watching people and soaking up the culture.

I think Bob liked his calamari!

Bob with a merchant in a shop where we bought a camel saddle.
Yep... Seven-Eleven in Old Sharm!
Horsing around at the entrance to the Old Market. Note the Seven-Eleven is right next door to the Camel Bazaar!

1 comment:

Luxury Traveler said...

Nice holiday trip. You must have real great fun. I hope to spend sharm el sheikh luxury holidays.

Life Is One Adventure After Another!

I started this blog page as a way to keep everyone up to date on Bob while he was working over in Egypt, and to share our wonderful travel experiences. Now that he's back home, I'll still post family updates once in awhile, as well as items of potential interest from the Decatur front... Life's little adventures continue... ;-)
